Launch Your Science Blog: Share Your Expertise with the World

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Why Take the "How to Start a Science Blog" Course?

  • Share your scientific knowledge on your own platform and in a format of your choice
  • Develop skills to effectively communicate complex scientific ideas to a non-expert audience
  • Gain expertise in using WordPress to manage and publish your blog content
  • Learn how to grow and engage your audience through compelling and accessible writing
  • Identify and cultivate a unique voice to share your expertise with a global audience

Learn how to become a trusted science blogger and empower your audience with your research

What You'll Get in the "How to Start a Science Blog" Course

⭐ 5 hours of video material outlining the steps to set up your science blog

⭐ Reflective sessions to identify your passion and motivation as a science blogger

⭐ Practical video-based guides to master the blogging software WordPress

⭐ Educational resources on writing for an online audience

⭐ Step-by-step outline to create a compelling science story from your research

⭐ Creative ideas on how to reach a global audience and share your blog with the world

⭐ Your personal course dashboard in Notion where you can add your notes, tasks and thoughts

⭐ Promotion of your science blog via SciComm Society’s channels

⭐ A personal certificate, unique feedback and support for your project

What You'll Learn in the Course

Identify your motivation as a science blogger:

🎓 Why (online) science communication matters

🎓 Identifying your preferred blogging format and creating a strategy

🎓 Developing habits around blogging

Create and design your science blog:

🎓 Technical background of websites and WordPress

🎓 Setting up and designing an accessible site

🎓 Writing pages and posts

Master science communication through blogging:

🎓 Understanding your audience

🎓 Storytelling in online writing

🎓 Writing about science clearly and effectively

Reach your audience:

🎓 Basics of search engine optimisation (SEO)

🎓 Social media and external platforms

🎓 Creating digital products

Learn to Blog from an Experienced Science Communicator

Hello, I'm Sarah!

For several years, I've been blogging and writing for online platforms. As a science communicator, I've created and redesigned websites for professional associations, personal outlets and companies. I also write for, edit and maintain blogs on scientific topics and science communication.

After learning WordPress the hard way, I've decided to simplify the process for you. This way, you can focus on writing posts and sharing your expertise with the world. In this video-based course, I'll guide you through the WordPress dashboard, explain key website functions and offer ideas to create a clear, accessible website for a global audience. We'll also explore the differences between online science writing and academic writing, helping you reach your target audience and make science more comprehensible.

You can progress through the video material at your own pace, revisit videos as needed and create your blog with complete freedom. I'll continuously update the course material, ensuring you always have access to the latest tools and resources. After completing the course, you may receive a personal certificate, while I'll also remain available to address any questions or issues you encounter during the setup process.

Are you ready to share your research expertise with a global audience? I'm excited to see what you create!

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